Seaplane Consulting offers Seaplane Master Planning covering the full spectrum of topics related to Seaplane ownership and operation to go forward.
Our Team Members consist of Aviation Specialists and highly experienced Seaplane Pilots who can help you analyze the correct solution to match your requirements and the implement the selected option in a professional manner.
Beginning the process with a full understanding of the options and a clear definition of the project objectives is very important to ensure the full scope of the project is achieved. Seaplane Consulting has the business technical and real life experience to guide through the complexities of Seaplane Operations in order to help you reach your desired outcome.

You see your vision, you have your dream. Now let us make sure your aspirations become a reality, with a feasibility study. Focus on the location, the market & the need of your idea, then put forward a commercial strategy with the right strategy, cost base and financing to tie you over until revenues reach a sustainable level.
There are only a few industries that have as many challenges and variables as the aviation industry. The sector is known for it's fierce competition and capital intensive nature. Therefore, it is of great importance that an aviation start up begins with a thorough feasibility study.

You need professional support from people that know Seaplane / Floatplane Operations. We have team members that are qualified type rating, seaplane pilot instructors, ground school instructors to get you and your pilots the training, certification and abilities that they require.
We make dreams come true, and live a life of adventure and discovery through seaplane flying. Seaplanes are the ultimate off road vehicle. Seaplane Consulting will take your passion for flight to a whole new level. Only three percent of pilots have taken advantage of this amazing skill and seaplane pilots are highly regarded for having greater stick and rudder skills than the average pilot and it shows in their fling. The fun way is no runway.
Every landing that a seaplane pilot does is unique, as the water surface and conditions are constantly changing. Enjoy the best of the outdoors, flying and boating in each and very seaplane flight.